Happy Friday the 13th Henning Families! Check out the newsletter for 9/13/24: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGPErhM_JI/zBmuRz4GnyO3KgU1ZC6bJA/edit?utm_content=DAGPErhM_JI&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton! REMINDER: Wednesday, September 18th is an Early Dismissal day at 11:50 a.m. with NO PreK that day. Have a great weekend! #TriadTogether
3 months ago, Chris Maxey
Mighty Knight
Check out the Troy Grade School PTO's Trunk-or-Treat flyer!
3 months ago, Chris Maxey
TOT Flyer
Happy Friday Henning Families! Check out this week's newsletter for 9/6/24: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGPEmN1tDk/2g31hyLHVX83RsRwdkZNSA/edit?utm_content=DAGPEmN1tDk&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton9/6/24:! Have a great weekend! #TriadTogether
4 months ago, Chris Maxey
Mighty Knight
Congratulations to the Tri-Township Public Library!
4 months ago, Chris Maxey
Attention Henning Families: A note from Triad High School regarding student attendance and other rules for the home football games. Thank you for your cooperation! #GoTriadKnights
4 months ago, Chris Maxey
Triad HS Football Announcement
Henning Families! Check out the upcoming Parents in PE flyer!
4 months ago, Chris Maxey
Happy Labor Day! Today, we honor the hard work and dedication of our teachers, staff, and all workers who make our school district thrive. Thank you for your commitment to our students and community. Enjoy your well-deserved break! #TriadTogether
4 months ago, Triad Community Unit #2
Labor Day 2024
Happy Friday Henning Families! Check out this week's newsletter: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGOtE-DGCE/1o88SWWGvHfZJfAYAGf6_g/edit?utm_content=DAGOtE-DGCE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton! IMPORTANT REMINDER: There is No Student Attendance on Monday in observance of the Labor Day holiday! Have a safe and happy weekend! #TriadTogether
4 months ago, Chris Maxey
Mighty Knight
Henning students are bringing home packets for the Henning Fall Fundraiser featuring Mrs. Fields Cookies and Cheesecake Factory items today! Orders and money are due by September 17th. Money raised from this fundraiser will help support classroom needs and student/staff celebrations throughout the year! We thank you in advance for your participation in this important endeavor to make Henning more AWESOME! Here is an online link as well: Online Ordering Catalog: https://onlineorders.mrsfieldsfundraising.com/henningelementaryschoolf24/24mfm?a=17
4 months ago, Chris Maxey
The Chickens Are Coming!
Check Out the Henning September Menu!
4 months ago, Chris Maxey
September Menu
Happy Friday Henning Families! What an AWESOME first full week at Henning! Check out this week's newsletter: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGODcAeF8Q/SoBGE0KVrxHOA1SYgKfNlg/edit?utm_content=DAGODcAeF8Q&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton! Have a great weekend! #TriadTogether
4 months ago, Chris Maxey
Next Monday's Board of Education Meeting will be held in the cafeteria of Silver Creek Elementary. The meeting begins at 6:30 PM. #TriadTogether
4 months ago, Triad Community Unit #2
BOE Meeting 08/26/24
A Note From Nurse Meg Stanley: The deadline for turning in physicals, immunizations, and eye exams is approaching quickly. Please email, Seesaw message, or send in with your child as soon as possible. If the nurse's office does not receive these records or proof of a scheduled appointment by September 15th, your child will be excluded from school until the requirements are met. If you have any questions or concerns please call Nurse Meg. Pre-K: Physical Exam and Immunizations due September 15, 2024 Kindergarten: Physical Exam, Immunizations, and Eye Exams due September 15, 2024 New Students: Physical Exam, Immunizations, and Eye Exams due September 15, 2024 HEALTH RECORDS MAY BE FAXED TO 618-667-5565 OR EMAILED TO megan.stanley@tcusd2.org
4 months ago, Chris Maxey
Nurse Meg Note
Attention Henning Families! Please fill out the following form if you would like to volunteer for various activities throughout the year at Henning. If you have more than one student, please fill the form out for each child. Thank you in advance!! #TriadTogether https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeiWNQfx_wXXk5y4jU8eL4d-mb1EH7hhz_pkl9cY3YaIB0Slg/viewform
4 months ago, Chris Maxey
CAH Mighty Knight
Regarding the Henning Elementary Student/Parent Handbook, an effort has been made to create rules and procedures that will guide students in becoming effective, responsible citizens of the school community. These handbooks contain valuable information relating to school procedures and policies. Click on the Henning Elementary Student/Parent Handbook link (located on the Henning Elementary website) to read. Please then go to the family access in Skyward and click on the tile indicating that you have been provided the Henning Elementary Student/Parent Handbook. You must click this link for all students attending a Triad school. If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office. https://5il.co/2qsas
4 months ago, Henning Elementary
Handbook Parent Signature
Happy Friday Henning Families! Check out our new and improved Family Letter for 8/16/24: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGIf9R-Cjs/9lAZPWU4gYqd76vnXBERnQ/edit?utm_content=DAGIf9R-Cjs&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton Have a great weekend! #TriadTogether
4 months ago, Chris Maxey
Did you know that Triad has a program for the littlest learners in the school district?  The Triad CUSD #2 Prenatal to 3 Program is a weekly home visiting program offered to families residing in the Triad School District, and are expecting a baby or have a child under the age of 3. Our Parent Educators partner with families and caregivers to make sure their child is meeting early developmental milestones, provide fun activities, free books, monthly playgroups, and much more! Fill out our digital referral form here: https://forms.gle/xnSriKtTXFXonYv99Or reach out to: Courtney Pritchett  Triad CUSD #2 Prenatal to 3 Program Supervisor 618.667.5401 courtney.pritchett@tcusd2.org 
4 months ago, Chris Maxey
Birth to Three Informational Flyer
24-25 PE information
4 months ago, Henning Elementary
Drop off and pick up procedures are shown in this video for this school year. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1avtIZKtA0Q55DCvDPzIIt-tMHrhJuLH_/view?usp=drive_link
4 months ago, Henning Elementary
✨ Add another Star to our galaxy! ✨ Join us in welcoming Jordan Amor as our school psychologist intern. She will also be working in other schools throughout the district during the 24-25 school year. Welcome to Triad, Jordan! #TriadTogether
5 months ago, Triad Community Unit #2
Jordan Amor